Course curriculum

  1. Neurodiversity Coaching Basics

About this course

  • 90-minute video
  • Audio version
  • Transcript and Slides

Whats this about?

Neurodivergent clients often have received feedback that they do not communicate well. This may look like an ADHDer who needs to share all of the context, an autistic person who does not read between the lines, or a gifted person who skips steps in their explanations. 

In fact, when a group of common neurotypes is put in a room, so-called communication problems disappear, and neurodivergent people are able to communicate well with others who think like them. This exemplifies the double-empathy problem, the idea that neurodivergent people may be speaking a different language, in a way, than others.

Coaches who are not accustomed to neurodivergent thinking may find neurodivergent clients to be “too much” or “all over the place” because of their nonlinear thinking and communication. To coach neurodivergent clients, we must be able to follow their hops and skips in conversation and know when and how to ask clarifying questions that do not force them into linearity.

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