What's this about?

As coaches, we continually provide reflections to our clients of their selves, their growth, and their potential. These reflections can help our clients develop beyond their own expectations.

Too often, though, neurodivergent people receive reflections that are distorted by the assumptions others make about how people think and where behavior comes from.These reflections feel like those of a funhouse mirror, distorted and out of touch with reality. 

Coaches need to present flat mirrors to our clients, reflections that honor what individuals believe about who and how they are in the world.

This course will cover how to notice when you’re holding a funhouse mirror and how to use good coaching skills to create a flat mirror for all clients.

  1. Neurodivergent Reflections: Flat Mirror or Funhouse Mirror?

What you get

  • 80-minute video
  • Audio version
  • Transcript and Slides

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